Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Humbly Arrogant

So its been a week since I recorded and released my new single "Flashing Lights" ft Lady Kym produced by the BeatGladiators and its been racking up spins via internet and physical radio stations. I've always had  dreams of how this would go and how my emergence as a relevant recording artist would begin but I must admit this is still taking me by surprise...I mean almost 150 spins in a week?!?! Where does that happen?? Anyway the reason I'm on here is to stop and say thank you to all my fans, friends, family, supporters or just anyone who considers themselves a lover of good music. I do this for you. I promise to never forget the reason I am in the position I'm in no matter what step on the celebrity ladder I may be on at the time.

Turn ya camcorders on PUT THE LIGHTS ON ME!!!

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