Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Long Time

Its been a minute since I've actually came here and updated this...BUT i've been working trying to follow my dreams...scratch that I've been chasing em like I have no other alternative. Alotta new things have been going on the past few months if you follow me on twitter or facebook you already know (but lets just say you dont)

Bayou Classic 2010
yes i was there...yes you saw me rocking the stage at the Battle of the Bands

New Music!!!
Decided on a name for my next cd...its gonna be called "BETTER NOW THAN LATER" and I'm looking to drop it sometime this spring...be on the lookout for updates...in the meantime you can listen to the lead single "Watch How I Work" produced by Jason Aro for Kloudnine Music.....artists if you're looking for quality production at affordable prices hit him up at http://www.ninemusic.com/ (Aro hit ya boy up with some referral credit?!?!..lol)

Other than that just writing...doing ALOTTA features...got a couple of offers for soundtracks, endorsements and some other things that an "independent artist" shouldnt be doing but ah well we all know I'm a different type of guy anyway. Again from now on this is where you can get official updates about me and my All or Nuthin Fam....still gonna have the facebook page and twitter but from now on this is where you'll hear the exclusive music....be able to get merchandise and also interact with me in a few ways you probably never thought possible (more info coming soon)
as always

"Dream Like You'll Live Forever...Live Like You'll Die Tommorrow...Its All or Nuthin"

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